Main Street Landing  

Fantasy is real.
Check out this PHOTO……

The first winged monkey appeared in Burlington in 1976, sculpted
into the roof line of an historic old building on the corner of Bank
and St. Paul Streets. Although the building has fallen into disrepair,
if you go there today, you can see that the chimney remains the shape
of his castle. The sculpture was commissioned for a store called
Emerald City of Oz. Emerald City was a waterbed store and a politically
motivated gift boutique. This first creature was positioned so that he
begged discovery, crouched, ever vigilant, always on guard, and softly
bathed in green light.
An icon was born.
His mate emerged from the primordial soup behind a slate turret on
the south side of the same building. These two mythical creatures were
sculpted in steel by Steve Larrabee. For the better part of ten years,
they stood their post in downtown Burlington.
Businesses changed hands, addresses changed and Burlington’s winged
monkeys, threatened by zealots, flew south for a two year hiatus,
mounted on giant rocks, deep in the forest.
Emerald City reopened in 1988 and the winged monkeys landed on
Shelburne Road, on the southern edge of town. It was here that tragedy
struck. In September, 1992, the original sentry was ripped from his
post by thoughtless and foolish drunks. He was kidnapped and held
against his will in a mysterious cell, parts unknown. He was gone.
A pall fell across the land.
In 1996 the original pair, flew to the clock tower that was once
Union Station and is now the ever vibrant Main Street Landing. The
copper goddess with the silent scream landed on the edge of a wood,
amidst a patch of wild blackberries in the city’s north end.
Once again, the better part of a decade passed.
In the winter of 04/05 magic filled the air, and the guardians of
the clock tower were with child. Lo. Mama monkey delivered twins, a boy
and a girl. Proud Papa, ever more vigilant, seized a flag and regained
his watch on the clock tower of Main Street Landing. They built a
nursery on the back side of the station and sequestered the protective
Mother with her children.
There was great joy.
The blue copper goddess flew to the waters edge and trumpets from
the theatre on the lake.
Her clarion call pierces the primeval veil in search of a rogue
Again joy.
Across the land.
For now, as has been, in the dark of night and in the blink of an
eye, Burlington’s monkeys with wings soar over the mountains and glide
over the lake to serve as our mythical protectors.
For indeed they do. Fantasy is real.
Ask a child. Ask any child. These creatures of the sky keep us
forever young.
Drink from the fountain.

